Future Implications

The social media landscape is in a constant state of change. This means marketers must stay on top of trends and industry developments to continue affecting results.  Audiences As more people engage in more ways in the digital space, marketers need to understand who their target audience is and how their needs can best beContinue reading “Future Implications”

Viral Marketing Initiatives

Viral marketing strategies are never a guarantee of “going viral.” Except for the few outliers that hit the jackpot and achieve viral unintentionally, creating viral content is hard work. However, certain principles can be utilized to increase the likelihood of virality (or buy you more lottery tickets as it were). 1. Visuals Of the manyContinue reading “Viral Marketing Initiatives”

Differentiation: The Battle of the Roast

            One of the most important components of social media marketing is differentiation. Differentiation is the element of uniqueness or ability to set a company apart from its competitors. Applied to marketing strategy, differentiation is the ability of a brand to create a unique and memorable customer experience across platforms. Two companies that use social media very differentlyContinue reading “Differentiation: The Battle of the Roast”

Weixin: Social Media’s Rich Uncle Pennybags

Weixin (available with altered features and interface as WeChat outside of China) is an extremely popular social networking app in China that has found success by taking advantage of a few key social marketing strategies. First, Weixin was created with its target audience in mind. Not only is this a social media best practice, but it is alsoContinue reading “Weixin: Social Media’s Rich Uncle Pennybags”

Can Social Media Make Breast Cancer Awareness Sexy and Effective?

            Going viral on social media is hard and the true secret is still elusive to many. The importance of uncovering such a secret becomes even more vital when the content in question is raising awareness for a good cause. Breast cancer awareness social media campaigns have been some of the most creative, engaging, and controversialContinue reading “Can Social Media Make Breast Cancer Awareness Sexy and Effective?”